Friday, May 13, 2011

Non-Verbal Promis

Okay. Let's pretend for a second like this is a formal contract from me to you (all two of you).

I, Sara Sawatzki, do hereby promise unto you (readers of Miss Adventurous Travel) that I shall post no less than 1 post a day on this blog for the first 30 days starting the 12th day of May 2011. In addition, I promise to not write a post for the sake of writing a post to cover the day's obligation. I will henceforth write only the most entertaining and head-scratchingly weird travel stories I can muster up. When I run out of travel storyies I shall go out into the world to find new adventures to write about. 

This is my promise to you.

Signed:                 Sara Marie                           Date: 
  May 13, 2011 As witnessed by:           Sara's often-procrastinating alter ego "Stella"         
P.S. This post doesn't count as a case you were wondering. 

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