Saturday, September 17, 2011

That went fast...

I cannot believe it has already been almost two weeks since I got back.

I've finally caught up on sleep (probably today alone! I slept until 1:00 pm! Whoops...)

It's hard for me to even find the words to summarize the trip I had. It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime type experience. Only, I don't want it to be just a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I honestly can't even imagine trying to travel any other way, now.

Coming back to life here was actually really hard. Is hard. Not that my life here is terrible...far from it. It's just I felt so connected to everything despite being pretty much unplugged to the rest of society.

It's hard for me to reconcile the version of me that was over there that loved every single second spent of every day with the version of me who is here and getting by with the status-quo.

I've already started researching the next place I will go to WWOOF at so I don't go insane. New Zealand is currently at the top of my list, but I'd love to hear your suggestions!

I'm going to be doing some more writing now that I've finally caught up on things from being gone. Sorry for the short break there!

I'll also be posting all my old posts that I had originally had on my other blog which I am getting rid of because of my deep hatred of GoDaddy.

Also coming up sometime in the not-too-distant future is a revamp of my blog! I might actually be switching over to wordpress when that happens, so stay tuned.

Lots of exciting things coming up. :-)

On the horizon for the next year are a few weekend trips I'd like to make: Wisconsin (multiple times), New York City (Katherine, I swear I'll make it out there this year!) and Portland (Destiny, I swear I'll make it out there this year!).

I'd also like to thank everyone who followed my travels, whether a silent follower or was fun to take you along on my trip with me. It made traveling solo not feel like I was traveling solo.

So thank you for listening to me tell of my crazy tales. My hope is that instead of making people jealous that I was out seeing the world, I inspired you all to go out and see the world yourself!

It's easy to live within the confines of the horizon of where you life, but don't forget that when you travel, your horizon expands and you realize that there is so much more out there than our own little bubbles. Since I came back, I've seen and heard reference to things that I saw and heard about over there that I had never noticed before. It's not that I probably never saw or heard them before...but they weren't in my horizon then. But they are now. And I will carry them with me wherever I shall go.

Explore. Dream. Discover. <---- Mark Twain's words that I live by. You should, too. :-)

Until next time,

Miss Adventurous.

1 comment:

  1. Wisconsin and new zealand sound awesome. you should definitely do those.
