Saturday, August 20, 2011

Greetings from 30,000

Hello again!

So, as it turns out, there is no WiFi aboard the flight. Which is absurd because the flight from Omaha to Minneapolis had WiFi.

Oh well.

I am on my way to Amsterdam! And then on to Aberdeen.

If yesterday was a day for chaos, today is a day for smooth sailing.

Everything has been on time. And I have been bumping into people and having great conversations.

Since this is my first major solo trip, I was worried that I'd get bored not having anyone to talk to. Boy, was I wrong. It's actually quite surprising how quickly you can strike up conversations with strangers.

A woman on her way back home to Seattle said something like "Gotta love delays!" and I was all "oh man, do I hear that." Anyway, we had a fun little chat about the pacific northwest.

Then I bumped into a wonderful older woman who was headed all over Europe for 3 weeks with her husband. We bonded over our iPads and shared our favorite apps. I now have three new apps I need to download, whenever I actually have wifi again (Thanks, Delta...*insert eye roll*)

It's funny how things work out. When I had to rebook my flight last night, the only seat available was a middle seat (in a row of four). I went up to the ticket counter after waiting in line behind probably 10 people and when it got to be my turn I walked up to the counter (to ask about changing my seat) and the woman behind the counter proceeded to act like I didn't exist. I stood there staring at her for 10 minutes. And then I just walked off. I was not impressed. The flight was overbooked, so there were no seats available to change anyway.

But, as luck would have it, the other people sitting in my row was a family. The mother is a very sweet woman who is originally from Greece and headed back there to visit family. She thought that if she got the outside seat on one side and two seats on the other side that nobody would want to sit in the middle. She asked if I would be interested in switching to one of the aisle seats so they could all sit together. It literally made my day. Plus, her daughter is a super adorable little 4.5 year old girl who is probably my BFF now. :-)

For the record, Matt, I know you said that I should have a bloody mary while I am enjoying the free alcoholic beverages perk, but I bet you will be surprised by my choice of my first drink.

Drumroll please....

It was....

SCOTCH! Dewars to be precise.

It just felt right to order it since I am going to Scotland and all. I am happy to report that I didn't vomit or gag from it (I will be avoiding Islay stuff in the future, Matt...that stuff will knock you over).

But, because I had said I would, I went ahead and ordered a bloody mary as well. And, as luck would have it, it came with lime!

Dinner was actually shockingly good. I was surprised, because the last time I had a meal aboard a plane (like, 15 years ago) it was AWFUL. But it's come a long way. There was a nice salad, chicken with barbecue sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans, bread, cheese, and a brownie.

I will be writin a post at some point on whether or not I think that the extra $80 you spend for Economy Comfort is worth it. I'd do it now, but I'm still debating it. Another drink or two and I might have my might have my mind made up. :-)

Well, I am going to sign off for now. But I know I will be back to posting soon.

Tonight I sleep on a boat, which hopefully means I sleep like a baby and not have any girl-from-the-exorcist-pea-soup moments.

You're welcome for that last mental image. :-)

Location:Cruising Altitude

1 comment:

  1. your first drink is a scotch? who are you and what are you doing with sara's ipad?

    glad you got an aisle seat and you didnt have to ask for an extra lime! sorry, i'm catching up on the rest of your posts but i'm glad you are all ok in scotland!
