I woke up this morning to the most amazing view out of the window of my room here, which sits directly above Da Bod, the 400+ year old portion of the building that used to be a pub here for hundreds of years. The windows in the room are all in little nooks, and provide an excellent place for sitting and looking out.
And that is my view.
The house here sits about 20 feet from the shoreline.
I made myself a cup of tea using the electric tea pot to boil water and the tea service tray that Jan set out for me. I took my cup and sat in the little alcove by the window and stared out, transfixed.
As the steam from my cup of tea clung comfortably to the window panes, I noticed a seal come up to the surface of the water, bob around for a bit, and then go back down under.
How on earth did I get to be so lucky as to come and stay at the most beautiful place on earth?
I grabbed my camera equiptment and headed out the door.
If you look to your left, this is the view:
And if you look to the right, you'll see and equally stunning view:
If i look straight out to the water these are the views:
If I turn and look back at the house, these are the views:
And if I go just beyond the house to the back side, this is what you see:
It is so tranquil here. You can't hear a car or a motor of any sort running anywhere nearby, except for the post man for the Royal Mail, who parked outside Da Bod and enjoyed the scenery as he ate his breakfast.
All you can hear is the birds, the cows, and the gentle lapping of water onto the shore.
If heaven truly does exist, it have to believe it looks just like this place.
The photo with the gravestones...did you look to see the dates inscribed on them?